I found the little wooden dowels on Amazon and I just hot glued them on. My original idea was to have the board be playable but there just wasn’t time in the end to make that happen.
I used a second large posterboard and attempted to follow a picture to get the paint right. The original costume idea included a Plinko board, which was a challenge to get started with, but once I got into the groove of it, it was actually quite fun to create. Most of the stuff I used I already had onhand so it was also a fairly cheap costume to put together, It’s simply painted posterboard with green painter’s tape creating the border. The contestants were a piece of cake to make. This was a fairly easy costume to put together for the most part. And thus, my friends and I were The Price is Right. I wanted my Most Creative Costume title back, so I knew I had to bring out the big guns.
This year I used an idea I’ve had brewing for a couple of years now, but for whatever reason changed at the last minute.
Thus, whenever my work Halloween costume competition comes around, I like to go all out. People believe that I am super into Halloween, when in reality I am just super into costumes.